Green's Simple Solar Pay Back Calculator lets you input specific data based on:

  • Where you live
  • Your Energy Usage
  • Your Energy Costs

Then we run it through our internal algorithm to work out the power generation from the system coupled with the on going on upfront costs to help you understand when you system will pay itself back.

The Calculator Explained

Below is everything you need to know about how the calculator works, where you can get any data you may not know and how we work it out. While the calculator makes complex calculations behind the scenes it doesn’t factor in every site variable like shading for example. For an exact, site specific calculation request a Green obligation free energy assessment today.

How Much Is Your Quartley Energy Bill

This is one of the baseline metrics we use to understand your total energy use and also to back solve how many KWh’s (kilowatt hours) your home uses. If you aren’t sure just hunt down an old bill. You can change the value on the slider dynamically to understand how it can impact your savings.

What State Do You Live In?

Understanding what state you live in helps our algorithm work out how efficient your panels will be through out the year.

What Size System Would You Like To Compare?

The bigger the system, the more power it will generate. It is that simple. We use this number to calculate yearly power output and help the algorithm understand usage rates. That doesn’t always mean bigger is better however we have preloaded systems from 5 – 15Kw. For anything larger, please reach out to the team at Greenfor a specific calculation.

Cost Of Installation

This is the total amount it is costing you to install your solar system. If you are paying by finance it is a good idea to factor in the total interest of the term to get a more accurate answer.

If you aren’t sure on how much your solar system would be, you can use a rule of thumb that for a premium system installed in Australia in 2020 will be around $1,000.00 per kW.

Average Cost per kWh

This is how much you are currently paying your energy retailer for a kWh of power from the grid. If you aren’t sure, it is on your bill. Usually broken down on the second page. We have preloaded values in the calculator that you can use if you still aren’t sure.

This helps us work out your savings and understand your power usage better.

Feed In Tariff

This is the rate your retailer will buy excess energy off you that your send to the grid. If you don’t know what your current feed in tariff is, you can look it up with your current retailer.

We have a preloaded value in case your aren’t sure.

This helps the algorithm establish the financial return you will get for excess power you generate during the day.

Daily Supply Charge

Your daily supply charge is a charge from your energy retailer for maintaining power to your home. If you aren’t sure what yours currently is, it will be on your energy bill.

We have put in a preloaded value if you aren’t sure.

This helps the algorithm back solve your total energy spend against your energy costs to get a baseline of your power usage.

When Does Your Household Use Your Energy?

When you enter this value you just need to enter your households day time usage as percentage.

This gives the algorithm enough data to work out how much energy of the energy you have generated will be used by your household VS how much will be sent to the grid for a feed in tariff on your next bill.

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David Green
David Green

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