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What to expect from Green

To us, our business is simple. We provide the best customer service in Australia. We employ only the most passionate renewable energy experts. We install only the best quality solar panels and solar products. This is the reason we have won AFR’s “Fastest Growing Energy Company” in Australia last year. So what else sets us apart?

You are not a lead. We are not a call centre.

We have a genuine desire to change the world.

We believe in renewables, and our mission is to move as many Australian households to renewables as possible.
Our business model is for our customers to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy.
When you talk with us, you are talking to a dedicated expert who will understand your needs and give you options. There is no pressure to close, no obligation to go further.
This is not a one-call transaction; this is not about numbers. It is about getting it right and delivering on the promise.
We are 100% Australian owned, meeting all relevant industry certifications and we have installers across Australia fully certified to install and maintain the solutions we recommend.

We personalise your system to your needs and usage

We focus on renewable products that meet strict quality standards.

Every home is different. Everyone’s electricity usage is different. Our team of solar and renewable energy experts will look to curate the perfect solar system to your needs to ensure it maximises your upfront and ongoing savings.
We will work with you to understand your home and energy needs by analysing past electricity bills and usage. Our system recommendations will be based on your actual usage and modelled accordingly.
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to renewables and with Green, you get the attention and care to detail you would expect when purchasing solar panels.

We use satellite technology to assess how much sun your roof gets

No guessing, no assumptions.

Using satellite technology, we can see your roof year-round for the past five years. This helps us assess the amount of sun (or shade) your roof receives at each of the key moments throughout the day.
This helps us predict the actual output your solar panels will be capable of. Many of our competitors use overly complex models to “assume” how well your panels will operate. At Green, we do not like guessing or assumptions, which is why we focus on using real world imagery of your roof.
Understanding these variables allows us to design a solution optimised for year-round use, ensuring that you get the most from your system no matter the month of the year.

We provide a detailed quote with a payback period

Our proposal is thorough and helps you assess the cost to payback ratio.

Most of our competitors simply send you a quoted cost with little (or no) detail. This makes for a very confusing read. At Green, we prepare a detailed proposal that encapsulates the cost, payback period and everything you need to know about your system to feel confident in both us and your solar output.
We pride ourselves on our proposal. It is the output of listening to you, working with you, and analysing your electricity usage.

We can help you weigh up options with your solar system

Battery? No battery? Panels only? Panels and battery?

If you are uncertain which path to take in the journey towards renewable energy, fear not, as Green is able to help you weigh up those options and see the associated costs.
Whether it be uncertainty on whether a battery is worth adding to your system, through to whether an additional four panels on that shadier side of the roof are worth it, our proposal helps you compare options easily and in such a way as to make you comfortable in your decision.
We take you through the options to deliver a system that best meets your needs and educate you through each step of the journey.

When ready, we book you in for installation

This includes a time and date and who from our team will attend.

Happy with our proposal? Great. We then proceed towards booking installation. Working around your schedule, we will find a time and date that works for you. Our team of installation experts will be promptly booked to attend on your desired day.
If you need to change the time and date of installation, that is very easily done.

No surprises or cost variations

Often we do a pre-install visit and assessment.

Before installation, an installer will visit your property if required to assess your home and identify any challenges or changes that might be necessary. In most cases, this pre-install visit is not required.
Avoiding surprises on the day or impeding the installation is the last thing you want.
Where changes to your system's specifications are required, we will work through these with you on the day of installation, but again, these are very unlikely.
There should be no surprises on the day of installation and that is our promise to you at Green.

We are on time and straight into it

Our team is punctual and hard working.

Our installers will be fully briefed on the installation and have all necessary components with them to commence installation immediately.
You do not need to be home and present throughout the entire installation, but it is advisable that you are home where possible and able to give our installers access into your roof and associated areas.
The objective is not to rush the work, though we understand you want the installation done and your home back ready for renewable energy, so to that end our team will be efficient and hard working.

Our team is detailed oriented

No crooked installs or panels misaligned.

We are homeowners too and understand how important detail is. Whether it be solar panels aligned to your roof symmetry or just ensuring that the rubbish is taken away after install, Green are detailed oriented.
Solar panels will adjust the roofscape, and we focus on getting the installation right. Squared, centred, aligned and with pride. Wiring, batteries, and all installation parts are done to maintain your property’s aesthetic.
This, we take very seriously.

Consultative, engaged, and willing to explain

Our installation team are friendly and love a cuppa.

We mentioned that the team love to explain and show their work. Our installers are friendly, detailed oriented and consultative to ensure you understand what they will be doing on the day(s) of installation.
We will work with you on-site to discuss how and why we are going about the installation.
If you are concerned with any aspect of the installation, we will consult you and our engineers to find a solution.

We will do a complete handover on how to use the system

Solar is exciting, let us show you!

Converting your house to renewable energy can be as set-and-forget as you want it to be, though the transition is cool, and our customers love to know what is happening – sometimes all the time!
Handover time is our favourite, like handing over a new car.
Your roof is now powering your house. Enjoy that feeling!
We will do a complete handover and walk you through all aspects of your installation.
And ensure you have a spot on your home screen for our app: we know it will become an absolute one for bragging rights!

A dedicated support team is available to help

Real people based in Australia.

Our dedicated support team is ready to help if something does not make sense or goes wrong. It rarely does but we are proud of our rapid support.
Call or email us, and we will provide the necessary support to ensure your system is fully functioning. We also do remote support and system checks, updates and troubleshooting over the internet.

Remote monitoring; faults and optimisation of system

Get more out of your system.

Get more out of your system.We provide our customers with 24/7 remote monitoring to identify any issues, faults or needs for optimisation.
We will proactively communicate with you when we identify an issue or change in your energy needs or believe your system can be optimised.
Always on, always working renewable energy is the goal here.

Free regular health checks on battery and solar panels

Complimentary system checks by our support team.

We provide our customers with ongoing battery and solar panel health checks.
All parts of our service are warranted, and we only install products we believe in. Having a peek under the hood is a good practice to ensure we deliver on that promise.
Our support team will remotely monitor your solar output and usage and assist in providing recommendations on how to best improve your solar outputs and usage over time.