Sungrow is a name in renewable energy synonymous with reliable, affordable high quality products. They made their name selling solar inverters, heaps of them actually which means sometimes they can be overlooked when people are considering a solar battery. Understandably so, when you get famous for something it can often be hard to change that perspective of your brand.
However, if you are looking at getting a solar battery for your home or business, we 100% recommend you consider a battery from Sungrow.
They have built a battery that reflects the same values they have in their inverter range. Simple, reliable and affordable.
Sungrow have been around for donkeys in solar years and produce, in our opinion, the best solar inverter on the market for the money. So when we heard they were launching a residential scale battery range we were very excited.
We will cover off everything you need to know about this great battery here however, if you have any more questions or would like a quote, please request a call and one of our amazing team will be in touch.

What Capacity Does A Sungrow Battery Come In?
The Sungrow solar battery is modular, coming in 3.2kWh modules. One unit can have a minimum of 3 modules (9.6kWh) and scale up to 8 modules (25.6kWh). Once you hit the 8 modules max you can go bigger but you need another unit. Going beyond one unit is uncommon giving the sheer size you end up with but it is very achievable.
How Does A Sungrow Solar Battery Work?
The Sungrow battery is designed to be used with a Sungrow inverter. Fortunately, this is great because their inverter range is very good. Outside of that, it works like any other solar battery.
It will automatically store excess power from your solar generation so you can use it later when your usage exceeds your generation. Learn more about the basics of solar batteries.
Where Are Sungrow Batteries Made?
China. All Sungrow products are made in China.
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How Long Is The Warranty On A Sungrow Battery?
The warranty is 10 years out of the box with one key variable. They will basically guarantee that at the end of the 10 years you will still have at least 70% of the batteries original nominal capacity or at the end of 4000 cycles, whichever comes first.
General Specifications Of Sungrow Batteries
To make life easier we have built the table below. It should cover everything you need to know from a general specs perspective. We update it as much as we can however check to make sure before you do anything! We have included heaps of info that to be honest, is useless unless you are a sparky, engineer or serious about research but we thought hey, slap it in there anyways.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about the Sungrow Battery
Sungrow solar batteries are made in China.
Sungrow's battery warranty is 70% at the end of 10 years or 4000 cycles, whichever comes first.
In our opinion, yes. We think they are good.
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